Uganda registers a high, maternal, newborn and child mortality rates and ranks it among the top 10 countries worldwide despite its efforts of working hard on the healthy sector.
Almost 28 percent of maternal death occur in young women age 15-25 years. This is due to numerous factors for example 72 percent of Ugandan population live within 5-10 km away from a health facility whose workforce density is at 1.55 per 1000 people.
75 percent of the population in Uganda don’t have access to improved sanitation facilities and 61 percent lack access to clean safe water, women are primary care takers of children and are themselves at high risk of catching infections/diseases during pregnancy and accounts for the numerous death in children.
Every child/ family should have access to health care services to build a strong nation.
One in nine children dies before age of five this is not only in Uganda but the sub- Saharan region from causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and malnutrition which accounts for one third of children being stunted due to chronic food insecurity.
Our solution
we look at our children having a balanced diet and accessing them medical treatment of all forms like immunization for the those with in such an age group, sleeping in treated mosquito nets, take de-wormers and vitamin c tablets as supplements.
Our staff and the Children we are gardeners and do cultivation so as children can have fresh food that’s rich in nutrients and fight malnutrition in children through our faming projects.