History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.
Hashim Bujingo (27years old) was born in Kamusenene village in a family of 12. Given the situation of their large family and living in extremities of poverty, he couldn’t attend school because of the burden of looking for school fees and all the requirements needed at school.
When he got older, he got a job of herding cattle from a pastor in his village. In 2010, a lady from Canada called Catherine visited as a missionary to their church and found him at that pastor’s house and asked why he wasn’t in school. He narrated to her why and she asked whether he would go back to school after paying his school fees. He happily accepted the offer and started school till secondary level 2 but he lost touch with her. This was a great opportunity for him and in case he ever gets another chance to go back to school, he would.
The idea of caring about children came as a result of lady Catherine taking a chance on him to pay for his education and even if he did not complete it, he had the urge to help orphaned vulnerable children and women in his village. This lady did not know him at all but helped him and this warmed his heart to also start serving God through helping others.
When he left the pastor’s home, he started a small business of buying maize and beans and some of the children (4) at Kamusenene Children’s Foundation (KCF) used to help him at the store by cleaning it and in this way, they got what to eat. He started with 4 orphaned children and the number continued growing slowly. In this process, he told his friends about this cause and some of them were interested to help. These friends include Daisy Nabadda Juuko who provided him with clothes, food, etc for the children.
Fast forward in 2018, Hashim and Daisy continued carrying out this cause of helping children using the income they both saved from the little businesses they own to pay for some of the children’s school fees, food and those that did not have where to stay, they rented a small house for them. The love and care we show these children is termed as “Mwoyo Gwa Gwanga”, (a Luganda phrase, in one of Uganda’s local and common languages) meaning ‘For the Heart of the Nation’.
Since these children are in Kamusenene village, Hashim and Daisy decided to name the organization Kamusenene Children’s Foundation (KCF). To date, a total of 124 children are under the care of this organization, and with the help of a few well-wishers, it was finally registered as a non-profit Community-Based Organization (CBO) with the Ugandan government in April 2020.
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic that has slowed down and affected the whole world, Hashim and Daisy are so grateful to God that they still get support through prayers, love, and donations from a few friends, family, and well-wishers to support KCF.